Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
By: Olivia Andrews

The hike in the rate of sexually transmitted diseases among pregnant women has raised a situation whereby there is no protection against sexually transmitted diseases making the situation of pregnant women worst as compared to women who are not pregnant.

This is a vital fact that STDs contracted during pregnancy is quite life threatening. Most of the women are not even aware of the potential consequences of such diseases even before they get pregnant so they need to know how to protect themselves and their upcoming children from these threats.

The consequences of such sexually transmitted diseases for pregnant women can be same as for non pregnant women but these may lead to devastating effects too such as cervical cancer, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and other complications.

Very often there are no symptoms among women who are infected with these sexually transmitted diseases and even the women may not be aware that she is infected as such until she is already pregnant.

Many other complications that occur due to sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy may include early onset of labor or premature rupture of the uterine membranes surrounding the baby and can even cause uterine infection after delivery.

It is quite common that sexually transmitted diseases are being transmitted from pregnant women to her fetus, newborn or any infant before, during or after birth. Certain STD's such as syphilis even cross the placenta and infect the fetus that affects the fetal development. Many other sexually transmitted diseases include gonorrhea, Chlamydia, hepatitis B and genital herpes that could be transmitted from the pregnant mother to her infant through vaginal delivery. HIV positive women can transmit the virus causing AIDS to the fetus through the placenta while pregnancy or any sort of infection that could occur during the process of birth. Unique to the HIV this is a fact that transmission can occur in infants through breastfeeding by an infected mother.

Author Bio
Olivia Andrews, writing for Womens Reproductive Health is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels and mobile phones.

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How Harmful is Multiple Pregnancy?

How Harmful is Multiple Pregnancy?
By: Kenrick Austin

If you're seriously interested in knowing about multiple pregnancy, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about multiple pregnancy.

There used to be a theory that twins skipped a generation, but now it is believed that twins are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy themselves. Obviously this is genetic, but it is a valid point to consider if you are a twin and want to become pregnant. Similarly, if your family history or that of your partner's includes twins, then there is an increased chance that you will have a twin pregnancy as well.

Older women are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy. There is an increased ovulation of multiple eggs in older women and this can lead to a higher chance of the woman having a twin pregnancy. Fertility treatments can also lead to an increased chance of multiple pregnancies. It is also evident that women from African backgrounds are more likely to have pregnancies that are twins or more.

Having a multiple pregnancy can be very exciting. There is something special about having twins. If you have learned that you have a multiple pregnancy, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

In a multiple pregnancy, the financial implications are more pronounced than in a single pregnancy. You will require two of everything - two bassinets, two cribs, two strollers (or one double stroller) and many pairs of clothes. And because every baby is different, you will have to learn from each child individually when he or she needs to eat, or needs a change of diapers. A minimum of double the diapers and baby formula will be needed, and these expenses can add up very quickly.

Finances aside, a multiple pregnancy can take a toll on your sanity. Two babies equals double the crying and double the sleepless nights. Regardless if it's a multiple pregnancy or a single pregnancy you will have to cope with crying and sleeplessness anyway. But one advantage of a multiple pregnancy is that you'll only have to go through it once, assuming you will not be having more children. For parents that have a single birth but desire more than one child, it will be necessary to endure the "terrible twos" more than once. A multiple pregnancy will also mean only one labor and delivery, and only one hospital stay.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on multiple pregnancy now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

Medically speaking, a multiple pregnancy is automatically considered a high-risk pregnancy. Keep in mind, however, that most women successfully carry a multiple pregnancy with no unusual complications. Normal pregnancy ailments such as mood swings and back pain may be exaggerated, but in general you can expect the same symptoms and discomforts of a regular pregnancy.

Monitoring your nutritional intake is imperative with a multiple pregnancy. You will need to eat more, but avoid gaining an excessive amount of weight. It's a delicate balancing act that will need to be discussed at length with your doctor. A general guideline is to increase your caloric intake by around 250 to 350 calories per day for each additional child you are carrying and increase the amount of protein you consume. A multivitamin might also be advised, but doubling the recommended dosage can be dangerous so seek the advice of your doctor before taking additional vitamin supplements.

In a multiple pregnancy, you will need to visit your doctor more often than during a single pregnancy. You will also need additional ultrasounds to closely monitor the development of both fetuses. In terms of delivery, a multiple pregnancy will usually end approximately two weeks before the normal due date. Most multiple pregnancy births are early. This is because the womb is stretched by multiple pregnancies quicker than during a single pregnancy, and the cervix then opens earlier than normal.

Before giving birth to more than one baby at a time, you must consult with your doctor about your delivery options. It is preferred to deliver through a normal vaginal birth, although a Cesarean section delivery could be recommended if there are any complications that could be a danger to you or your babies during a vaginal delivery.

You can't predict when knowing something extra about multiple pregnancy will come in handy. If you learned anything new about multiple pregnancy in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

Author Bio
Ken Austin is the webmaster at

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Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation
By: Johnny Kicklighter

In 1983, President Reagan wrote an essay for the "Human Life Review" entitled, "Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation." This brief writing of his pro-life philosophy was published in book form a year later. It was expanded to approximately to 95 pages with lengthy afterwords by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop and British essayist Malcolm Muggeridge. Reagan's brief composition is probably one of the better well-argued pro-life essays ever written. It is also significant as it was the first ever by a sitting President. It was President Reagan's attempt to awaken a nation to the implications of abortion. In this short book, President Reagan gives an account on how important the issue of abortion is to the "conscience of a nation."

President Reagan's essay is only 26 pages of the book, but it is well structured. He believed that diminishing the life of the unborn diminishes the value of all human life. He tackled the pro-abortion "quality of life" argument and compared it to the Dred Scott slavery issue. Reagan likened the pro-abortion argument to slavery and drew parallels between the Roe vs. Wade decision and the Dred Scot decision that divided America over a century earlier. According to Reagan, the quality of life argument is an argument for quality control of the population.

Reagan surmises that legalized abortion is a very slippery slope. He says that unborn babies are being killed because they are simply not wanted or come at an inconvenient time. He also states that many are killed because they will be unable to lead a "normal" life as the result of birth defects. Such babies are considered to be of less value and thus denied human rights. He claims this denial of human rights is accomplished by activist judges who frame the interpretation of the US Constitution through the lens of their own pro-abortion beliefs.

Reagan believes that the arbitrary evaluation of unborn lives must stop. He states that this philosophy will lead to further the crimes of infanticide and illustrates this by citing the Indiana case of "Baby Doe." Baby Doe was allowed to starve to death because the child had Down's syndrome. The essence of Reagan's argument is that no nation can survive and prosper when a group of individuals look at a child and declare whether that child has value as a human being. Reagan goes on to say,

"Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning."

The pro-life movement will not be disappointed with Reagan's essay, and will conclude that it contains very powerful and logical anti-abortion arguments.

Author Bio
Johnny Kicklighter is a charter contributor to the Metro East Pregnancy Care Center, Fairview Heights, Illinois.

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The Pros and Cons of In-Vitro Fertilization

The Pros and Cons of In-Vitro Fertilization
By: Tim Lawrence

What is In-Vitro Fertilization?

In-vitro fertilization is a procedure that allows couples who cannot conceive normally to have a child. The woman's egg and man's sperm are taken out of the body and fertilized in a laboratory, then put back into a woman who can carry the pregnancy to term.

Many moral and ethical concerns have been raised because of in-vitro fertilization. Those against the procedure say it is too much like playing God. Many women, however, have successfully delivered healthy babies as a result of in-vitro fertilization. Only you can decide if this procedure is the right one for you.

What are the Chances of Success with In-Vitro Fertilization?

"The chance of successful pregnancy with in vitro fertilization is directly related to the age of the woman who provides the egg. Most in vitro fertilization programs divide up their success rates according to age. For example, clinics will report pregnancy rates for women under and over the age of 35 years. There is certainly deterioration in the quality of eggs from the mid-thirties onwards. Some clinics divide up success rates further, and specifically report pregnancy rates for women between the ages of 35 and 37, 38 and 39, 39 to 42, and then over the age of 42.:
- Victoriafertility web site, August 2006

In-vitro has enjoyed a good success rate. Some in-vitro procedures have been too effective, with women giving birth to twins, triplets, or even more babies at once. It's a good idea to try the process with three or fewer eggs, on the chance that all the eggs will become successfully fertilized and produce children. In-vitro is a viable option for women who cannot naturally conceive.

What are the Dangers of In-Vitro Fertilization?

"One of the commonest serious side effects from using fertility drugs is a condition known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome becomes a risk in women who develop more than 20 follicles in response to the fertility drugs. In these circumstances the blood estrogen levels are often very high, and this combination causes OHSS."
- Victoriafertility web site, August 2006

The most common danger of in-vitro is that it will not work. It is very disappointing and depressing for a couple who has tried many methods, only to fail again at in-vitro. There is nothing to suggest that in-vitro fertilization will make natural conception easier or harder for the woman in the future. Medically, the procedure is fairly safe. There is some pain associated with the process of removing the woman's eggs, however, and there is a surgical procedure involved.

If you are considering in-vitro fertilization, it's best to discuss your options with your doctor. In-vitro can be a rather invasive procedure. You'll want to know what your chances are of having a successful pregnancy using this method before you decide to go ahead with in-vitro.

The Pros and Cons of In-Vitro Fertilization

Each woman has to make the decision regarding in-vitro for herself, with the support of her spouse. Many couples face reproductive challenges, and it's a very common problem that is nothing to be ashamed of. Learn all about your own chances of success with in-vitro before you decide to go through with the procedure, which can be very costly and very invasive to a woman's body. How much you want to conceive will determine whether or not in-vitro fertilization is right for you.

Author Bio
Tim Lawrence is a father of two and co-founder of Colic Calm

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Baby Acne - The Whole Truth

Baby Acne - The Whole Truth
By: John Wellington

It is natural for parents to be alarmed if their baby doesn't have typical soft, smooth skin. It is nothing to cause alarm because it is common in most babies to get various rashes. Baby acne is characterized by a rash of small red bumps or whiteheads developing on the face, but could also appear on the neck and back. If it appears scaly on the face, have your pediatrician take a look to be sure it is not eczema before treating it as baby acne.

Baby acne is commonly the mother's hormones passed to the baby in the placenta during pregnancy, but won't appear until 3 to 4 weeks afterwards. The hormones trigger the baby's oil producing glands, leading to the development of acne. It could also be the result of taking certain medications. The condition of his/her skin can worsen for several days if it comes in contact with milk or saliva. Increased blood flow to the skin, usually caused by crying, will irritate your babies' skin.

Treating baby acne is simple. Using water or a mild baby soap to gently wash their face once a day will help considerably. It is not caused by dirt so don't scrub your babies face because it could cause the irritation to worsen. Cleaning your babies' face with towels that have been washed in harsh detergents may also be a factor in the worsening of acne. Using warm water when washing the face could help to open the pores, which can help to clear the oils and sweat that contribute to acne baby. Greasy lotions and oils could aggravate the skin's sensitive condition. They can also contribute to pore clogging and persisting irritation.

Baby acne can become troublesome in the winter, just as with adult acne. Cold weather is a common factor in the drying out of facial skin, and the increased use of moisturizers. Some moisturizers are greasy and can cause break-outs. Light baby specific lotions will do better moisturizers intended for adult use. Parents tend to over-bundle their baby to prevent discomfort caused by exposure to cold weather. However, over-bundling could cause a heat rash that will worsen baby acne. Be sure to keep your baby comfortable because if he/she is in warm clothes and is in warm indoor environment, it could cause your baby to break out from heat.

Severe acne that lasts beyond the first 6 months or appears severe enough to result in facial scarring, may need to be treated by your pediatrician. Usually a mild medicine will be prescribed. An over-the-counter ionic colloidal silver solution could help to kill the bacteria present in excess oils and put a stop to uncomfortable itching. Other benefits of treating acne with ionic colloidal silver are that it reduces swelling, promotes healthy skin growth, and is hands down the safest treatment available to use on a baby. Rest assured that once your babies' acne clears up, it wont be making an appearance again until your child reaches its teenage years.

Author Bio provides people who are suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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Pregnancy And What To Expect

Pregnancy And What To Expect
By: Aurel Radulescu

There are no two pregnancies that are alike so, while it is difficult to say exactly how each will progress, there are certain factors that are common among all women going through pregnancy. Quite often, early symptoms of pregnancy will appear and prompt the soon-to-be mom to purchase a home pregnancy test. These can be found at virtually every retail and/or grocery store. It is important to remember that pregnancy tests, while designed to be accurate, are sometimes wrong. Regardless of the result, it is recommended that women experiencing pregnancy symptoms should schedule an appointment with a health care professional who will accurately test for pregnancy.

Among the pregnancy symptoms that most women experience are heightened sensitivity to certain smells and/or food, exhaustion, recurring morning sickness and mood swings. During the entire pregnancy, it is very important that the woman participate in a healthy lifestyle. Among other things, this would include not smoking or being near secondhand smoke, avoid drinking alcohol, etc. In addition, the mom-to-be should drink plenty of milk and eat healthy foods. This will help to promote good development for the child and will be a healthy start for him/her.

Once a woman is confirmed with pregnancy, the next step is shopping for maternity clothes. There is generally a maternity section of every store, but many women simply wear oversized shirts and comfortable elastic waist pants. Preparing for a new baby will include shopping for nursery items, including a rocking chair, bassinet, baby blankets, clothes and toys. If there are plans to convert any room in the house into a nursery, it's best to start early. It's also very important that the mom-to-be not be near any paint or harmful products that may cause her, or her unborn child, any problems.

During the nine months of pregnancy, women will go through a lot of changes - both physically and mentally. Mood swings will become more intense and there may be frequent trips to the bathroom as the pregnancy progresses and the growing child begins to press more heavily on the bladder. After the baby is born, the woman will likely have a desire to lose her pregnancy weight. Immediately following birth, it may be a good idea to rest before starting on any exercise program. A licensed medical doctor will be able to prescribe a timeline for such things as physical activity, which will greatly be determined by the mom's overall health.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. It is not designed to be used in conjunction with, or in place of, professional medical advice. Any woman who believes she may be experiencing pregnancy symptoms, or has reason to believe that she may be pregnant, should consult a licensed medical physician for proper testing and determination.

Author Bio
Find more about Chinese pregnancy calendar, Chinese gender chart and EPT pregnancy tests and many other pregnancy resources on

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Pregnancy and Morning Sickness

Pregnancy and Morning Sickness
By: Ashely Farrar

The toughest bit of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness and any woman who has gone through or is going through it, knows the first signs usually develop during the month following the first missed menstrual period, when hormone levels increase. It may range from mild, occasional nausea to sever, continuous, debilitating nausea with bouts of vomiting. In most cases, symptoms may be worse in morning, albeit they can strike day or night.

Despite all advances in medicine, there is no way of predicting how long your morning sickness will last even if you have suffered it before. Generally, nausea and vomiting last till about 12 - 13 weeks of pregnancy. However, some women continue to feel ill beyond their 22nd week as well.

However, some studies show that mild to moderate sickness is a sign of a good pregnancy, and less risk of miscarriage.

There is no simple treatment. The best course of action is home treatment. The following tips work wonders not only when you wake up feeling nauseous but also work when you get that queasy feeling during the day.

Changing what, when and how much you eat coupled with certain changes to the way foods cooked helps.

During morning or for that matter all day sickness, you may find that eating five or six small meals, rather than the usual three large ones, is easier on the body. Make sure each meal contains some protein and carbohydrate, like whole wheat bread with grated cheese and a slice of tomato, rice or wheat preparation with some easily digestible / light cereals, orange juice and a whole wheat biscuit. Be creative; choose low fat health foods you know will tempt your appetite. Aversions to food because of nausea are perfectly normal and understandable.

Try not to miss meals

Eat small, dry snacks.

Don't jump up out of bed immediately. Lie quietly for a while and ask you husband to bring you a slice of fresh lemon or orange or a dry, bland biscuit.

Avoid large drinks, have frequent small one between meals.

Spicy, fried foods, and fatty foods like very rich sweets, are best avoided.

Avoid excessive consumption of pickles or chutney, which is rich in salt.

Don't spend much time in the kitchen and avoid the strong smell of certain foods when shopping.

Prepare food when feeling least nauseous.

Taking lemon or orange juice in the morning and before meals relieves nausea of early pregnancy.

Suck an ice cube till the nausea passes off.

Sip on cool water.

However, if you have severe, persistent nausea and vomiting, see your doctor. This not so common complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, sometimes calling for prescribed medication and in some cases even hospitalization. Although drugs are best avoided in pregnancy, especially in the early months, there are some that have been in use for many years with no apparent danger to the developing baby.

Author Bio
Ashely Farrar also writes on Home Remedy for Kidney Stone.

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